Welcome to STEAM Digital Agriculture 4.0


Global Green Education is a nonprofit program that supports young diverse leaders helping people improve their quality of work and life through education, innovation, and resilience through STEAM digital agriculture 4.0 programming. Values collaboration with industry members, researchers, academics, and scientists.

Thriving in an interconnected world 

In our interconnected world the ability to live and work together with other people, who may think differently or have a different background to us, is vital for success.


Data analytics, Nanotechnology

STEAM digital Agriculture 4.0

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

Aquaponics, Greenhouses, Hydroponics, Nurseries, Vertical Farming

Internet of Things (IoT)

Variable Rate Technology

Machine learning

Data mining & Smart Sensor Networks

Remote Sensing

Small & Big Data

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) & Global Positioning System (GPS)

Mission & Vision

Changing the Future of Education for the Better

Global Green Education: A Commitment to Empowering Students

At Global Green Education, our primary focus lies in providing students with practical academic experiences that prepare them for the real world. Through our emphasis on STEAM, Project-Based, and Expeditionary Learning approaches, we empower students to engage in inquiry-based learning. By adopting a Whole Child Approach, we cultivate well-rounded individuals within the green industry. Our comprehensive curriculum extends beyond individual students to encompass entire schools, communities, and the holistic development of each child.

Our mission is to nurture a new generation of leaders dedicated to tackling local, regional, and national environmental challenges. Through our initiatives, students are encouraged to make a positive impact on their communities and beyond. We address global environmental issues, natural resource conservation, and health concerns that particularly impact the Hispanic community. By leveraging their unique strengths, students collaborate to develop innovative solutions rooted in science and technology. Our aim is to cater to their academic, social, emotional, and entrepreneurial needs while fostering local, regional, national, and global partnerships. At Global Green Education, we recognize the importance of coming together to safeguard our shared home, Planet Earth.


Our Partners


Robotic Systems

Converging technologies and global competition are driving the explosive growth of robotics development across a variety of industries. Companies today need talent with the right combination of technical and business skills to harness the massive power of automation and integrated robotics solutions.

Automation & Efficiency

Making the management process simple and practical. Combining the best features, Global Green Education is a revolutionary solution developing programs around the STEAM fields seeking application for building automation & efficiency.

Research & Development

Practical teaching can give authentic learning experiences and teach valuable skills for students in the STEAM disciplines. One of the main ways of giving students such experiences, laboratory teaching, is met with many challenges such as budget cuts, teacher shortage, increased use of virtual learning, and currently school lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We highlight how at-home do-it-yourself (DIY) experiments include physical interaction with your study organism, system, or technique to give the students a practical, authentic learning experience.

Smart Digital Pedagogy

Laboratory pedagogy is moving away from step-by-step instructions and to, ward inquiry-based learning, expeditionary learning, project-based, and STEAM developing methods for integrating inquiry-based writing (IBW) practices into the laboratory course. After guided instruction, students investigated sequences independently and responded through IBW writing assignments. IBW assignments were structured as condensed versions of a scientific research article, they were also assessed as authentic science and evaluated on clarity and persuasiveness.

Get Started

It’s Never Too Late or Too Early to Get Started

Join us to make the change for Afro-Americans and Hispanics with STEAM Digital Agriculture 4.0 now!